This game looks like it was made in a huge rush. There are tons of grammatical errors and the art is mediocre. The gameplay is very repetitive and the player quickly looses interest. In addition, this game seems almost identical to doodle jump. I would recommend adding music, checking your spelling and grammar, redoing the art so that it is at least consistent (the asteroids are in a very different style). Also, try animating the character sprite somewhat and add some variety in the stars in the background. Perhaps changing the jump mechanic so that it reflects the time the button is held down would help. I know this review was harsh, but you need to hear truthful reviews of your work to improve. It did have some redeeming factors like the arc of the jump as opposed to linear motion and the ability to sometimes skip asteroids, but overall this project seemed haphazard and could have used a lot more work. Best of luck in future games.